“This retreat was so different from the others I have been to.
For the first time, I went by myself.
This was the exact retreat ~in the truest sense of the word~that I needed, desperately.
In the weeks prior to I had been feeling a call from the Missouri hills and trees, felt a building need to scream, a desire to integrate personal work, and I have been working on a chakra series.
I had been working to open my heart more fully for months and feeling myself crack open more and more, and it was at this retreat that all of these things happened.
Through the beautiful cacao prepared by Diane and the meditation we were led through… I found myself.
I met souls whom I know I have been entangled with since star conception.
Bonded with & without words.
Got to stroll through the beauty of these hills I love so much. F
orm relationships.
Nurture lifelong friendship.
Love myself more fully.
Be the authentic me.
There are not many people who all of this is possible through and
with. And
you can find them at one of these retreats at some point in
time. When
you open up to community… it has a fantastic way of finding
you. I’m
so grateful for you,
Gab. For
the work that you
do. The
space you open, hold, cultivate and
facilitate. I’m
grateful for each soul that are united through these retreats, through
you. I
am so blissed to call you friend.
It is not possible to put all of how I feel into one little post, it’s something you must experience.