What people are saying about Yoga Gab Retreats…

“This is what it looks like to let go, and let flow…

Let go of your insecurities, your ego, your tears, your fears of not belonging, not being accepted, not knowing your next step, being alone, being judged, misunderstood…

This is what it looks like to just breathe…Be at peace and share community with “your people”.

This is unobstructed energy flowing in its purest form between a collective power of love, light, darkness, and space.

This is my heart cracking open from the years of neglect and abuse. My heart finally beginning to be able to accept love in a new capacity and in turn give it back with no expectations.

This is the world’s blessing that is Yoga Gab Retreats being witnessed and experienced one breath, one movement, one touch, one sound, one color, one season, one love at a time.”

“Seeing this picture immediately brought tears to my eyes. Tears that I spend every single day fighting back. Tears that I feel I could drown in if I ever let them out. Tears that have been welling up inside of me for years

now. Meeting

Gab has been

life changing

. She

is so genuine and open with her emotions, and she has cultivated a community and space for others to be able to feel comfortable to begin opening themselves as

well. Seeing

a photo of myself in such a calm and peaceful space gives me so much hope for the future. A future that we deserve. Full of love. Peace. Community. And

magic. Forever

grateful you Yoga Gab for what you inspire in all of us.”

“I remember the rush of energy I felt at my first yoga gab retreat as I was finally able to let my hair down for the first time in 18 years. Happy tears silently streamed down my face as I could finally relax for what felt like one of the first times in my

life. These

gatherings have allowed me to comfortably unlock myself and explore what it means to be me without judgement.

I find myself evolving steadily between each retreat, watching a loving community grow around me. Gab has the ability to encapsulate so much magick in one weekend; it somehow comes home with you and finds a place to stay. Forever thankful for this community and what it has to offer! Also, who doesn't love body paint, glitter, amazing food, and amazing people to be around?!”

“This retreat was so different from the others I have been to.

For the first time, I went by myself.

This was the exact retreat ~in the truest sense of the word~that I needed, desperately.

In the weeks prior to I had been feeling a call from the Missouri hills and trees, felt a building need to scream, a desire to integrate personal work, and I have been working on a chakra series.

I had been working to open my heart more fully for months and feeling myself crack open more and more, and it was at this retreat that all of these things happened.

Through the beautiful cacao prepared by Diane and the meditation we were led through… I found myself.

I met souls whom I know I have been entangled with since star conception.

Bonded with & without words.





Got to stroll through the beauty of these hills I love so much. F

orm relationships.

Nurture lifelong friendship.



Love myself more fully.

Be the authentic me.

There are not many people who all of this is possible through and

with. And

you can find them at one of these retreats at some point in

time. When

you open up to community… it has a fantastic way of finding

you. I’m

so grateful for you,

Gab. For

the work that you

do. The

space you open, hold, cultivate and

facilitate. I’m

grateful for each soul that are united through these retreats, through

you. I

am so blissed to call you friend.

It is not possible to put all of how I feel into one little post, it’s something you must experience.

“These retreats have been nothing less than magical. So much healing, connecting, and witnessing. I am thankful to be a part of this supportive space, and for those that collectively create the beautiful experience. These weekends hold a special place in my heart.”

“Yoga Gab Retreats bringing people together through different walks of life, and making them feel empowered, and united. With inspiring movement, and recreational activities. These retreats are nothing short of amazing. Feeling blessed to have been apart of such an epic experience.”

“The energy I experienced and was honored to be a part of at Yoga Gab Retreats Crescent Moon Retreat was truly magical. Everyone was so welcoming, raw and open, as of I had met them all in a previous life and we were finally coming together to hold space for each other in this one. Time didn’t seem to exist, and I felt so connected to the earth and to those around me and a true warm ness of just being myself. I love being able to listen to Gabs morning playlist now and be taken back in time to all those moments I shared with every bright soul that was there. So grateful for these new friendships I have found ”

“Each Yoga Gab Retreat I’ve been to has been touching in a unique way. The workshops are always relevant yet fun. The menus are equally delicious and nourishing. The yoga itself is amazing. Some of the things I’ve gotten to participate in at Gab’s retreats have left me with a shifted perspectives of life as a whole. I’ve connected with people who make me feel as if they’re the pieces of what my life has been missing out on before I joined this community. I can’t wait for the next Yoga Gab Retreat!”

“My experience was rejuvenating, revitalizing. I really needed the universe and my guides to show me a way to reconnect, not only with others, but myself too. Something I manifested before I moved out to MO, was to meet people with similar interests and learn how to build healthy relationships with others. The Yoga Gab retreat gave that to me as well as many other beneficial energies and thoughts. I learned a lot about myself and some of it hurts, don’t get me wrong, but I’m beyond grateful to have been able to experience this retreat and to continue growing.”

“Every experience at a Yoga Gab Retreat is different than the last in many ways, but always contains authentic community, creative outlets, new-found friendships, incredible vegan food, connection to the earth through movement & self expression and sharing circles. What’s different each time are the pieces of me uncovered that I didn’t know was within me. It’s the safest place I’ve ever been to be authentically me, to be MESSY and unhinged and unsure. It’s the kind of experience where you drive home realizing that your body feels more relaxed than you remember feeling in a while, and your cheeks are aching from all the laughter and smiling and pure joy. Somehow, each retreat is never exactly what I think it'll be, but all the things i didn't know i needed. Mother Earth always knows better than me

Gab weaves together community and fun like I’ve never seen. Every workshop, yoga asana session, class or group event is full of learning and growing opportunities and are just pure bliss. I’m always either talking about my last YGR or about the next one coming up. It fills my mind, body, and soul, and reminds me who I am and that I am loved and safe and celebrated within this community. I can’t wait for the next retreat! I’ll see you there, right?”

“I came to my first Yoga Gab Retreat with little expectation or intention, outside of enjoying time to relax and reconnect with nature. What I found was a space so full of love, understanding, peace, and openness. There is something so sacred, special, and rare about being in a space where you can be 100% your authentic self and be met with open arms and open hearts. I cried, laughed, and was able to start to let go of what was no longer serving me, thanks to the vulnerability and safe environment that held me. I left feeling nourished in my body and spirit and will forever be grateful to Gab for cultivating this space.”

“I experienced my first Yoga Gab Retreat after a long hiatus from community. I had left my chosen family and my family of origin far and away and entered into a strange and limiting life of misaligned values and abuse cycles. I can remember the first time I spoke to Gab. Understanding in that moment that our connection had transcended this lifetime and many others. I love this community and this radical form of congregating and intentional bonding. The magic of these retreats is potent. In 38 years, I have learned that none of us intends to spend the second half of their life in recovery . Any healing process can feel antagonistic frustrating and overwhelming when there is so much “broken” to fix. Life is not so black and white. Life is the exploration and discovery of those connections and unions where you are safe to fully transform and put to rest the versions of yourself that have already passed.”

“Finding a space that makes you feel welcome and completely safe is something special. It’s that energetic connection with others throughout the weekend that is so peaceful and rejuvenating. Yoga Gab Retreats has opened many doors for opportunity and lots of lifelong friendships along the

way! Openly

speaking my mind has always been difficult but with the support and comfort of every person at these retreats, I always feel ready. The amazing women that I’ve met along the way have shown me an abundance of wisdom & strength.

I always enjoy the classes, workshops, delicious vegan food, laughing till my cheeks hurt and much more! Thank you gab and the tribe for bringing us all together.”

“Retreats with Yoga Gab feel like coming home. Time seems to slow down as you step out of your life and into a space designed to help you meet yourself and others deeply and authentically. Peeling back the layers of you is the truest and most meaningful form of self care. If you’ve been waiting for a sign that the time is right to book your retreat, this is it.”

“Where to even start with my feelings on Yoga Gab Retreats?! At the beginning, I guess. My first retreat was October 2020 and I admit - I was real nervous. I was experiencing one of the most anxious periods of my life and was nervous as hell that I wouldn’t fit in - I would feel just as uncomfortable and out of place at a retreat (where I only knew @theveganwitchlady ) as I did in the rest of my life at that time. Spoiler alert: the exact opposite was true! Not only was I a perfectly acceptable and lovely addition to the retreat guest list but I was also welcomed, with love and light and stickers and goodie bags and sage and beauty all around me. I could BREATHE, I could relax, I could do or NOT do - all of it was good. I have been to three retreats now and I am so grateful for Gab and the incredible folks I get to re-center with at retreats. Oh, and I also learned I CAN DO COLD THINGS which, for me, is pretty dang cool.”

“Last October I was in one of the lowest points in my life. In the midst of a really rough break-up and Struggling as a newly single mother. Isolated from friends and family, living in a strange place, (during the worst time ever to try to meet people). I had wallowed for about a year, and finally decided that was enough. I had to start taking baby steps. Trying to take care of myself, trying to get out, trying to find friends. I couldn’t live like I was anymore.

I decided to treat myself to a birthday tattoo. The tattoo artist told me about Gab. I started following her on IG and shortly after saw a flyer for the hunters moon retreat. I knew this was just what I needed. A weekend escape with some like minded folks. Just a little break. I got so much more than I expected.

First of all, Gab is one of the most unapologetically authentic people I’ve ever met in my life. She sets the tone for everyone to just let down their armor. To be seen and held for the beautifully imperfect human that they are. To feel that level of witnessing and non-judgment, from complete strangers... it’s life changing.

I could talk about the delicious food, lovely outdoor settings, and the fun workshops, but it is the magic of remembering that makes these retreats so special. It’s like being gently taken by the hand, back to the place where your soul was a child. Where the world was beautiful and kind and... magical.”

“Yoga Gab Retreats. Where do I begin? I’m on a long journey of healing from so many “labels” the medical field has and people have given me. All being major blows to my soul for so long. And on top of that: this year a divorce and I lost my very best friend, the only person ever fighting with me in my corner, my mom. I have never felt so alone and in a dark place. I was always scared to join Gabs retreat afraid of being an “outsider” and more “alone”. I finally trusted my intuition and went. I released so much pain and doubt that was weighing me down that I felt like I could smile a genuine smile, one my mom would have loved to see, and I could just fucking breathe again.

I know now I wasn’t and won’t be and don’t have to be alone with my pain and can celebrate the joy in life with others.”

“Grinding in daily life, working, raising a family, sometimes the only self-care I can fit in to any week is hygiene and a solid average of 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I sought out a retreat in an effort to grow my business but also force myself to slow down, take a break and do something that was just for me. What I didn’t realize is that I was hurling myself into a group of people that would support me in ways I didn’t even know I needed. The yoga is beautiful, the workshops are thoughtfully planned with people who are truly passionate about sharing their craft with deepest intention of improving the world around them, but the fellowship with like-minded people, of the likes I had yet to meet in this area, is what snagged my heart. To spend a weekend with people who are open and ready to allow the magic of universe to wash over them, to converse with others who wish deepen their connection with the planet and themselves is truly what will keep me coming back for as long as Gab is hosting these transformative weekends.”

“For an indeterminate amount of time I’ve found myself wandering through life with an aching hollow nestled somewhere within my joy. Something was indeed missing. These retreats are indefinable. Not only do does the Yoga Gab Retreat provide me with an oasis to resign from the “real” life; these retreats have brought me closer to myself and have provided me with a community I would have denied myself of otherwise. Yoga Gab Retreats = community. The warm hug you always needed.”

“Imagine the sun kissing your skin, a fresh breeze, a relaxing touch, surrounded by a circle of compassionate and warm curious women. This was the scene of getting tattooed at Yoga Gab Retreats this past spring. Tattooing is a gorgeous sacred experience that should be done in this way. Tattooing is a form of self expression, exploration, dedication, and it can be deeply healing therapeutic practice.

Yoga Gab Retreats is about Community building, metamorphosis, and walking along the journey of healing and growth.

Having tattooing as an option, has amplified the overall experience, and leaves a very literal, lasting impression and memory of such a gorgeous time or chapter in your life, often times a symbol of new doors and arms being open.”


“When I first saw Gabrielle would be offering tattoo therapy outside at the Etheral Goddess retreat, I knew I had to snag a spot. I had never been tattooed outside but I knew my body needed this therapy.

I was deeply working through my chakras with a sound healer and Kundalini practitioner around the same time. I was working on bridging my heart and solar plexus chakras.
When the design sheet came out, I chose my favorite, intuitively. I wasn’t sure on design placement. I spoke to myself, my partner, my sisters and the artist, and we decided on placing the tattoo on the bridge of my heart and solar plexus.

Having the sun and light breeze bless my session, incredible love surrounding me, my internal work and strength, all made my session. I worked deeply with my breathe, my sisters energy holding me, physically and spiritually, and healed deep parts of myself. It was one of the most beautiful tattoo sessions I have ever experienced. Each time it is available at a retreat, I will be booking this therapy. HIGHLY recommend.”


“Being tattooed at Ethereal Goddess retreat was by far the best tattoo experience I've ever had. I was sitting in the sun, listening to the leaves rustle in the wind, surrounded by beautiful women and having such profound emotionally connective conversations with them, eating a big slice of watermelon-- all while being tattooed. I've honestly never felt more goddess-like in my life. I cannot recommend this experience enough.”


“I loved getting tattooed in a comfortable environment surrounded by nature. I watched the summer storm roll into the mountains and the trees swaying with the wind. The environment and people surrounding me made it much easier to focus on the intention of my tattoo, which was "inner peace". In most tattoo settings it feels transactional and more like a business agreement. Tattoo therapy is an entirely different situation. There was love and acceptance surrounding me at all times.”
