How ‘Yoga Gab Retreats’ got started…

In 2017, after starting her own mental health journey, Gab quickly realized what she needed wasn’t available near her. She wanted a way to heal her mind, body and spirit through yoga, meditation, crystals, ceremony, plant medicine, art & earthing.

Each and every retreat brings new excitement, new family, and deep communal healing. The only way we can describe it, is magic.

Once you carve out time to spend with us at Yoga Gab Retreats, you start the manifestation of healing.

With an amazing family of yogis, healers and witches - magic is ever present. We are an eclectic group of wise people that believe in unity. The healing begins from the moment you commit.

Step into the universal pull, towards personal work. I invite you to put your ear to the earth and accept her wisdom.



“I’m Gab (aka Yoga Gab). Witch. Momma. Yogi. Plant Medicine advocate. Retreat Host. Natural Builder. These are some of the words I use to describe myself and what I do.

Throughout my life I’ve endured a lot of pain, grief and heart break, paired with extreme joy and ecstasy. Despite a lot of darkness, I choose life daily. My hope as I finish this earth voyage, is to help my fellow humans actively choose life.

Being equipped with the tools to do this is so important to leading a healthy life. My dharma or life-path, is to share the unique tools that can work in your life by connecting you with a like-minded community that can hold space for you as you grow. I do this throughout different mediums including hosting spiritual yogic retreats, natural building workshops, private offerings and community work.”